Self-Care For Corporate Women

Is your idea of self-care to take a Pinterest-y bath? Just a gram-worthy bath a week cannot be your only self-care routine. Instagram and Facebook are to be blamed for this. 


When it comes to self-care there’s no right or ideal way to do it. Healthy habits that work for you and give a feel-good vibe are your self-care. But if you love a warm bath followed by a ten-step skincare routine, go for it! 


It can be a super tough job to start somewhere. Our lives are becoming immensely stressful with every passing day. That’s why a breakthrough self-care routine is important. Your routine must take care of you based on who you are, what helps you unwind, how much free time you have and how much you can afford. No matter how it ends up being, the important thing is that it must breathe life into your busy schedule. 


Self-care should be energy-neutral, you must not be putting in extreme emotional energy to feel refreshed. This is why the ideal self-care routine might not look like getting a spa session done or indulging in a bubble bath, though they are both applicable options. Mostly it is about going for a run, organising your space, or meditating. 


Still, we gotta start somewhere and what better to begin than Women’s Day! Need a little inspiration? Check out our idea of self-care for hustling women.    


Take Break (& don’t feel guilty)


Some people can work 9 to 5 but most of us find it hard to sit in the same place for long periods. We need to take breaks, yet we refrain from them. We feel guilty and take it as a reason for not being more productive. But taking a break can boost your productivity level more than being stuck at your desk all day. Quick breaks refresh your mind, get your creative juices flowing and you are automatically more productive. 


Build Boundaries 


Thanks to the wave of working from home, almost everyone is just living to work. If you sleep and wake up with your laptop right beside your laptop, it is time to change it. You may not feel it right away but this habit will exhaust you in the long run. There’s no doubt setting boundaries with your work, teammates or business is difficult, but it’s the key element to taking care of yourself. Remember you can’t get everything you want at once. 



Or Self Care Saturday or Friday, whatever works for you. No matter where you go, somebody somewhere is preaching about self-care. The idea is to put yourself first, in all aspects mentally, emotionally and physically. Having an ‘I have no time for myself’ - is the worst thing that you can do to yourself. Replace it with - ‘self-care is never selfish’. Choose a day and do something for yourself, it can be skincare, taking a stroll or going for art therapy. Make sure you are not only partying on your off days but also taking care of your well-being. 


Celebrate (almost) All Your “Wins”


You have cracked a deal after tremendous effort and you are waiting on someone for appreciation. It’s time to change the narrative, we say you take the charge! Why take the load of explaining your “wins” to someone? Let’s face it, it is next to impossible to make someone understand your efforts. We take up too much on our plates sometimes and max out our stress levels. Wishing to conquer all our goals at once makes us forget to celebrate our achievements. So, take some time off queen bee and look back at how far you have come, and appreciate your growth. 



Set An Unapologetic “Me Time” 


Set aside time every day to spend time with YOURSELF. Prioritise to do something for yourself. No, it doesn’t mean leisurely scrolling through social media. It can be anything from cuddling with your pet, painting, reading a book, or unwinding with some music. For instance, you can brew yourself a cup of coffee or tea, journal your thoughts down and water your plants or read the newspaper. This little habit can set your mind free and ready it for the day.


Have A Comfort Meal 


Before you build an empire you need to take care of your body. Eating healthy is the basic element of self-care. But eating a nutritious meal every time is not easy for any corporate woman. Sometimes we are way too busy to even think about what we want to eat. This is when you need a comfort meal, something you can resort to on your busy days. Come up with two or more go-to meals that have some nutritious ingredients in them. Ensure it is easy to make and has few but healthy ingredients.  


Remember The “Why” Quotient 


We get so busy and work up grinding, we forget the ‘why’ behind our journey. Why we began, why it is related to our long-term goal, and why it is crucial to us. For many of us, it is to be independent or build a booming business. This is why we tend to start with baby steps, like hustling 24x7. But no matter what the underlying reason should always be clear to you, this will help you stay motivated and you will never be sidetracked from your goals.  


Ending Note 


This Women’s Day pledges to take care of yourself. How can you conquer the world without being on top of your health? Thus, self-care is super necessary. But one thing you should always know is when to back off. Once it starts to feel like a chore or a punishment it stops being self-care. It should be stress-living and energising rather than the opposite. However, it might not be easy or comfortable but be consistent till you get used to it. The self-care activity must make you feel good gradually even if not at first. Two magical ways to excel in your life - love yourself and put yourself first. 




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